A study on the determinants of growth and political stability in the neoclassical model framework

Author: ROGER CASAS RIU Read the full article by downloading it below. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Theoretical Framework: Convergence in Neoclassical Growth Models In alignment with contributions like Robert J. Barro’s Economic Growth in a cross section of countries (Barro, 1991) the main scope of this project is to study whether or not convergence, as predicted…

Does it make sense to dollarize Argentina?

Author: MANUEL BERMEJO FONTANET Dollarization of Argentina from an economic perspective Download the full article below: Abstract After fifty years of five currency changes, an accumulated devaluation of thirteen zeros, three defaults, and a hyperinflationary period, the ultraliberal economist and presidential candidate Javier Milei has focused his attention on dollarization as a central piece of…

Exploring the underground economy

An analysis of cash withdrawal policy Authors: LUCÍA MONTEJANO and XÈNIA ALEMANY Download the full article below: ABSTRACT In recent years, the debate on the limitation and abolition of cash has ained considerable attention and has become increasingly urgent in light of the growing prevalence of electronic payments. This article seeks to explore the potential…

The Great Resignation

Why is it a trend? Authors: MERITXELL CORCOY and ALBA FUSTEGUERES Download the full article below: INTRODUCTION Millions of employees throughout the world have left their jobs or chosen not to return to positions that had been placed on furlough in order to find better employment or change their career paths. Anthony Klotz coined the…

Hauria de deixar de comprar al Zara o l’H&M?

Els efectes de l’entrada de les multinacionals del tèxtil als països en via de desenvolupament i les claus del seu creixement econòmic Autors: DANIEL DUEÑAS, NÚRIA MASSANÉS I JARI M. ROMAN Descarrega l’article complet a continuació: ABSTRACT Si volem que les condicions laborals a les que s’exposen els treballadors de les fàbriques proveïdores de multinacionals…

Fondo de pensiones noruego, análisis y comparación con España

Autores: ÓSCAR MÁRQUEZ, ALBA VÁZQUEZ Y XÈNIA ALEMANY Descarga el artículo completo en PDF a continuación: ABSTRACT El propósito principal de este ensayo ha sido analizar y dar a conocer el Fondo de Pensiones del Gobierno de Noruega. Asimismo, otro objetivo ha sido el de entender su filosofía, viabilidad y alcance de trabajo comparándolo con…